King Kahuna

A rude, malicious, tyrannical person who took advantage of Natural Selection's best modder (see wordVoogru/word). Was known to use cheats that was accidentally implemented into NSAdmin. In the end, he was ousted by Voogru and the community of Upon his ousting, he deliberately stooped to the intelligence level capable of a 3rd grader, using ban threats, IRC insults, and even threatening to call the FBI on people in false accusations. Commonly seen with lapdogs kittymor and Landshark, and his prepubescent idiot of a son, Prince Kahuna. Also seen in making up false stories so bad, the critics want to hold a .357 to their head screaming "END IT NOW!" Synonyms: wordasshat/word
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to King Kahuna. Some of the top words include: shiznit, vangeli, jack in, Whizzicle, fagort, and 25 more.